Logotipo Hotel Villasur - Un hotel en Granada para recordar

The Eastern High Alpujarra. Perhaps it is this most unknown subregion, is located between the river Grande de Cádiar and the valley of Laroles, including 425 a superficial extension of Km.2 approximately and its settlers descends, probably, of the 300 Castilian, leonine, Asturian, Galician and Andalusian repobladores that occupied as of 1572, the towns, villas and places of the Tahá de Uxixar de Albacete, head of jurisdiction of the Alpujarras during centuries XIV to XVIII .

The Western High Alpujarra. One is between the right margin of the Guadalfeo and the territory of the Valley of Lecrín. It is constituted basically by old the Tahás moriscas of Orgiva, Poqueira and Ferreira, protected by a set of the eminent summits, highest of the Penibética mountain range, as they are the Tip of Jéres (3,086 ms.) and the Tip of the Horse (3,015 m.s), to which they add the Tip of the Vane (3,392 ms.) and the Mulhacén (3482 m.s), both unquestionable colossuses of peninsular orography. Within their rough territory, that characterizes by the altitude and pediente of its mountains and by its unquestionable proximity to the region of perpetual snows, are the beautiful valleys of Trevélez, Poqueira, Chico and Lanjarón, materialized of precipices, oquedades and weeds; and on the foot of the Hill of the Mines, next to Cáñar, the extensive depression of the Albacete de Orgiva, whose South strip runs, impetuous, the Guadalfeo river or of the Sierpe, as it were called to him by the natives of the valley during centuries XIV and XV. The superficial extension of the Western High Alpujarra, is of 475 Km.2 approximately.

The Low Alpujarra or of the Coast. To the south of the históriscas tahás of Orxiva and Uxixar de Albacete, extends the Low Alpujarra, one narrow land strip that goes from Rubite and Castell de Ferro to the Haza of the Moor and the Pozuelo, both of the term of Albuñol. This old subregion alpujarreña, of 346 km.2 approximately of superificie, constitutes a warm one and attractive place next to the Mediterranean, prote'ge' in its central part, by the bulk of the Contraviesa and towards the west rises the imposing mass of the Mountain range of Lújar. It is in direct bonding with the sea to traves of Castell de Ferro, Castle of Baths, the Mamola, Melicena, the Rábita and the Pozuelo.



Contact information
Hotel Villasur
Avda. Andalucia, 57 - 18198 - Huetor Vega (Granada)
Telf.:34 - 958 - 30 22 83 | Email: info@hotelvillasur.com
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